Tuesday, November 29, 2016


So, I decided it would be fun to start an animation from scratch and draw each frame by hand on the computer... I was horribly wrong. It took me around 12 hours to complete the project. While creating it, I tried to make the main, and only character, have a similar personality to my own (I called him Little Nate throughout the whole project; I know, I'm weird). I also couldn't help myself from laughing at how dumb I am for finding something like this so funny, but I worked long and hard on it, and I laugh at everything. I initially wanted Little Nate to make it to the beach and jump from palm tree to palm tree, but I found it to difficult. I decided that making him a super hero and then plummeting into the ocean would be the easiest option. Well, I hope you enjoy it and find it stupid funny, like I did. Rock on Little Nate!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Collage Environment

"Your past must die for your future to live."

This piece has a lot of different meanings and means a lot to me, personally. First off, "past" Nate is the one inside the mirror, trapped in the past. Based on looking at it, my past isn't very great. The Nate that is outside of the mirror, is is in the future, which is thriving and full of life and potential. Both Nate's are reaching for each other because "past" Nate wanted to be "future" Nate and get out of the troubles, but "future" Nate is reaching for "past" Nate, because the future wasn't everything that he thought it was. "Future" Nate just needs to get behind the mirror and see where the road takes him. Talking in third person like that is tough, but I hope you were able to see the image that I was trying to create.

My Pieces are:
1. Both Nate's form the original picture
2. Dark background past
3. Lively future forest
4. Picture frame
5. Tree branch holding the mirror up
6. Ropes

Magazine Cover

I was stumped for a couple days on what to do for my magazine cover, until I remembered how much I love to travel. I wanted to make a cover that would make me, as the reader, want to pick up the magazine and read it. I want to go to Bali, Indonesia so bad, that I figured this would be the perfect cover/magazine theme. The one thing I don't like about the final piece, is myself in the forefront because it is not as clear and crisp as everything else in the picture. But other than that, enjoy!